Saturday, May 5, 2018

Foodware - Trays Presentation

Please forward to Green Schools reps and PTA Council...

1) Ad Council/NRDC strawberry video:  A short PSA on food waste for students of all ages (and their parents) to learn about the impact of food waste and to practice sustainability in our community.  Please share and include in your newsletters, along with this blurb, which can be customized for your school: 

"An estimated 40% of all food produced in the U.S. is wasted, which has major environmental and economic implications.  The average American family of four spends over $1,500 per year on food that they don’t eat and discards 1000 lbs of food at home.  Wasting food wastes water, labor, fuel and money!  Through simple lifestyle changes, like making shopping lists, freezing food and using leftovers, and strategies in the school cafeteria, like composting and collection of leftover food, we can fight food waste. Watch this video clip - the Extreme Life and Times of Strawberry - and other PSAs with your child today to start a conversation about food waste!"

2)  USDA's Use of Share Tables in Child Nutrition Programs: Unopened, commercially pre-packaged items such as cereal packs, yogurt, crackers, and cheese sticks, whole pieces of fruit and unopened milk or dairy products can be collected at your school.  This practice is encouraged by the USDA’s Food & Nutrition Service guidelines for Child Nutrition Programs. Local and State health and food safety codes need to be followed.  There are several options for collected foods: 1) students can take any item at no additional cost; 2)  items can be served during another meal service, like after school programs 3) items can be offered to staff; or 4) items can be donated to a non-profit 501c3, like Food Rescue US.   
To learn more:
World Wildlife Fund's Four Ways to Fight School Food Waste: 
USDA's Use of Share Tables in Child Nutrition Programs:

3) Foam-Free School Lunch flyer (attached)

4) GPS Foodware Cost Analysis (attached)

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Foam Tray flyer .pdf