Tuesday, November 15, 2016

America Recycles Day - November 15th

Recycling is the easiest thing we can all do to improve our community, conserve natural resources, and create green jobs.  Here are some simple tips about recycling to inspire students to participate. 
1.    Never throw away plastic bottles, paper, aluminum cans, or cardboard milk cartons and boxes!  They are valuable resources that get processed and converted into new products.  Recycling also reduces water pollution by 35% and air pollution by 73%.
2.    Recycling paper requires 70% less energy compared with making paper by cutting down trees. Think about the forests we preserve to protect animal habitats.  
3.    One recycled plastic bottle saves enough energy to power a 30-watt light bulb for 6 hours.  Remember to empty out liquids first before recycling. 
4.    Can you recycle cans? Yes you can! Aluminum CAN be recycled at home and at school. Please make sure they are completely empty before you place them in the recycling containers. Did you know one recycled tin can saves enough energy to power a television for 3 hours.

Thank you for recycling!


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